Charities partners with us for a reason.
There is no doubt that charities like to partner with us for a number of reasons. We are adventure experts and passionate about designing and delivering challenges which are professional from start to finish.
How does this benefit you?
When you sign up to a challenge through one of our charity partners, you will be entering in to a journey which will make a life-changing difference. You will be taking part in an event which has your safety, welfare and enjoyment at it's heart. Challenges are not designed to be easy, so be prepared to work hard for your sponsor money.
- Fully managed online registration and fundraising process.
- Online safety briefing.
- Training plans.
- Expertly delivered challenge event.
- Full event information packs including kit lists.
- Event safety team.
- Celebration meal and drinks.
- Event momentos.
- Event photography.
The essential funds you raise will help to change the lives of others. Each bead of sweat will be worth it.