Respected as an Approved Activity Provider (AAP) for professionally delivered DofE Expeditions for schools, groups and individuals.

Creating solutions with Schools and Groups to enable their young people to achieve through the DofE Awards.

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As a DofE Approved Activity Provider (AAP), we are experts in providing exceptional expeditions.

The benefits of completing a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award / DofE Award are huge. It offers a great opportunity for personal development and growth along with expanding practical skills.


Completing the DofE Award will help a young person develop the skills and attitudes needed to become more rounded, confident adult. 

These are qualities that colleges, universities and employers are attracted to. So when a young person pursues their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, they’re investing in their future.

A young person will develop in so many areas as they work through the DofE Award:

  • Self-belief and self-confidence
  • A sense of identity
  • Initiative and a sense of responsibility
  • A real awareness of their strengths
  • New talents and abilities
  • The ability to plan and use time effectively
  • Learning from and giving to others in the community
  • Forming new friendships
  • Problem solving, presentation and communication skills
  • Leadership and teamworking skills.

What DofE services can we offer you?

Bronze, Silver & Gold Expeditions

DofE Instructor only expeditions

Your Adventure in Safe Hands

Safe and enjoyable outdoor experiences

Looking for Advice or Guidance?

Search our knowledgebase. Helping you be prepared for your DofE expedition or Challenge Event.

How to make camping comfortable

How to make camping comfortable

Camping doesn't have to be an ordeal. It can be an incredible experience that gives you the chance to strip back to basics, appreciate the outdoors by getting closer to nature and get a healthy dose of fresh air. The trick is to know how to make it comfortable! Here are a handful of our favourite ways to make camping comfortable ready for your next expedition...

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Keeping your camp admin tight

Keeping your camp admin tight

The camping element to the DofE journey attracts a great deal of discussion, often some nerves, and always involves significant planning. It can mean the difference between 'surviving or thriving' when it comes to your camping experience. Keeping your camp admin tight and having plan A and B in your back pocket places you in a strong position to be able to react quickly when circumstances change. Pre-emptive thoughts and planning are never wasted and researching during the lead up to your DofE expedition is a great way to enhance your experience. Check out this blog to get some tips on how to approach your camp admin ahead of your expedition.

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