Contact The Adventure Element

We are always keen to talk directly to our customers. Through talking to you and discussing your aspirations and requirements, we can ensure you are booking on to the expedition or event which is appropriate for you.

Our normal office opening times are:
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 17:00

Christmas and New Year Opening Times
The office will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period between:

17:00 on the 21st December 2024
09:00 on the 6th January 2025

During this period emails will be checked periodically and urgent messages will be replied to when possible.

Please call 01768 800 212

Alternatively, we can be contacted via the form below or directly by email:

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Your Adventure in Safe Hands

Safe and enjoyable outdoor experiences

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How to make camping comfortable

How to make camping comfortable

Camping doesn't have to be an ordeal. It can be an incredible experience that gives you the chance to strip back to basics, appreciate the outdoors by getting closer to nature and get a healthy dose of fresh air. The trick is to know how to make it comfortable! Here are a handful of our favourite ways to make camping comfortable ready for your next expedition...

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Keeping your camp admin tight

Keeping your camp admin tight

The camping element to the DofE journey attracts a great deal of discussion, often some nerves, and always involves significant planning. It can mean the difference between 'surviving or thriving' when it comes to your camping experience. Keeping your camp admin tight and having plan A and B in your back pocket places you in a strong position to be able to react quickly when circumstances change. Pre-emptive thoughts and planning are never wasted and researching during the lead up to your DofE expedition is a great way to enhance your experience. Check out this blog to get some tips on how to approach your camp admin ahead of your expedition.

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