01.The Brief

Cheltenham College approached us to arrange a Silver qualifying expedition that involved more than a single mode of travel. The school are in the fortunate position to be able to offer canoeing as part if their extracurricular activity provision. Their DofE Manager asked if we would be able to put together a bespoke Silver qualifying expedition that allowed some canoeing.

02.Our Approach

Many canoe expeditions involve river travel. As our brief was for the experience to be a hybrid model with one full day on the water, we looked to the Ullswater valley. We were able to arrange an expedition that involved an overnight hostel stay for the participants on their arrival day. The following morning, the expedition could begin with teams canoeing the full length of Ullswater. The following 2 days involved a complete circumnavigation of the valley and lake, finishing in an easily-accessible location for their assessor debrief and long journey home.

03.The Programme Outcome

Participants enjoyed the hybrid model and the canoe section was able to be supported with a safety boat present at all times. The walking phase of the expedition allowed participants to appreciate the valley, and their canoe route, from many vantage points. The success of this model resulted in Cheltenham College making repeated bookings in subsequent years.

04.What the client had to say

Cheltenham College

Your Adventure in Safe Hands

Safe and enjoyable outdoor experiences

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