Engagement Process
If you have the attributes and skills to add to our dynamic and professional team, please begin the engagement process:
1) Complete the online 'Be Part of the Team' form
We use on online platform called Liveforce to capture all of our staff information and manage the Staff Engagement process. If you've all information to hand, the application process should take between 15 - 30 minutes to complete. Before you start this process, please ensure that you have all of your qualifications and certificates ready to upload in a PDF or JPEG format. Have available:
- All relevant outdoor qualifications
- Proof of your right to work in the UK (passport, driving license etc)
- Evidence of being subscribed to the DBS update service
- Current First Aid certificate
NOTE: At this stage, work is not guaranteed. We will allocate staff based on completion of the Staff Engagement process and their suitability of qualifications and experience for the client.