
  • International Mountain Leader
  • Summer Mountain Leader
  • Rock Climbing Instructor
  • MIA Trained
  • BCU Level 2 Canoe
  • BC Mountain bike leader Level 2 
  • DofE Assessor
  • First Aid 
  • First Aid for mental health Level 2

How did your career in the outdoors start?

I grew up in the Netherlands and always been sporty and active. While watching TV one day, I saw someone climbing, and knew that was what I wanted to do! I asked for my next birthday for an indoor climbing session and from that moment I was hooked! 

After I finished school I continued to Sports College and focussed on the great outdoors! This has given me so many opportunities and eventually I decided to carry on in the UK with my qualifications and now I am working all over the world with young people or adults! What a job :)

What's been your most memorable outdoor experience?

Ooh this is a hard question. There are so many! The beauty of being able to work and play in the outdoors. I once had a bivi on top of Helvellyn in the winter with a very keen group of young people! That was pretty amazing as they totally embraced the experience in the freezing cold. Also I love a good sunset/sunrise in the mountains and Africa is proven to be a pretty ace location for that.

What's your one piece of 'can't do without' kit?

Headwear! Choosing this means I can get 2 'can't do with out' pieces in! I do love a good beanie and can't go on an adventure with out a buff, they are so versatile and I can use it in different situations. 

Your Adventure in Safe Hands

Safe and enjoyable outdoor experiences

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How to make camping comfortable

How to make camping comfortable

Camping doesn't have to be an ordeal. It can be an incredible experience that gives you the chance to strip back to basics, appreciate the outdoors by getting closer to nature and get a healthy dose of fresh air. The trick is to know how to make it comfortable! Here are a handful of our favourite ways to make camping comfortable ready for your next expedition...

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Keeping your camp admin tight

Keeping your camp admin tight

The camping element to the DofE journey attracts a great deal of discussion, often some nerves, and always involves significant planning. It can mean the difference between 'surviving or thriving' when it comes to your camping experience. Keeping your camp admin tight and having plan A and B in your back pocket places you in a strong position to be able to react quickly when circumstances change. Pre-emptive thoughts and planning are never wasted and researching during the lead up to your DofE expedition is a great way to enhance your experience. Check out this blog to get some tips on how to approach your camp admin ahead of your expedition.

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