Dealing with periods on an event
Category: Challenge Event Advice and Guidance
Posted by Holly Moffitt
Event Day is by default a challenge in itself – without the added complications of dealing with your period (aches and pains, hormones, and extra kit to contend with to name a few!). We are here to make the day as stress-free and enjoyable as possible and want every single person to come away from an event feeling elated from their experience... even when on their period!
We are delving into elements we have considered to help make the event experience as comfortable as possible whilst on your period - more than simply adding chocolate to the fuel stations (although we appreciate that is a crucial step too!). As well as steps you might like to take to ease your comfort levels too.
Whilst this blog may be more weighted towards our female audience, we would love it if the men out there would take a moment to read this too. Getting clued up on women's health can be a great help to the women in your lives!
Choosing the right period solution for you
Whether you use period pants, sanitary pads, tampons or moon cups, choose what you are most comfortable moving around in and stick to it. We typically recommend against trying something new on Event Day when you are due to rack up some mileage – that means anything from trainers to tampons. If its sanitary pads, bring extra. If its period pants, ensure they are comfy and durable. You know the drill!

Be kind to yourself
We appreciate that it can feel a bit of a rollercoaster ride when on your period so remember to be kind to yourself. Its normal to get pre-event nerves and feelings of anxiety and low moods can roll in at the time of the month. This can create a storm of feelings that make arriving at the start line a little challenging. Remember you are not on your own, you have support in every direction - from your fellow participants to those at the sidelines cheering you on and the Adventure Element staff across the site. You have trained well for this and whilst your body and mind may be feeling a little different around this time, you are still more than capable of achieving the challenge. Just go for it and see what happens! All of the endorphins from the exercise will have you feeling amazing post-event too!
Preparation is key
If you know you are due on or already in the middle of a cycle, you will be able to arrive with all the gear necessary. Pain killers, extra sanitary pads, snacks you know you will crave and extra toilet paper/wet wipes or nappy bags that you typically use.
Post-event, you will likely want to freshen up. Whilst we don't typically have showers onsite at an event, we have plenty of toilets available. We also recommend booking campsites or accommodation nearby so you can pop back to shower and not miss out on the delicious food options we have available as part of your event entry. You might like to use wet wipes in the interim until you can return to your accommodation and fully chill out.
We have plenty of bins and recycling around the site as well as first aid and water stations. If you find yourself caught short with something, please do approach one of the friendly faces on The Adventure Element team and we will be more than happy to help you.

Stay hydrated and fuel up
A hearty breakfast is always going to set you up well for an event. There is no point running on empty. What does breakfast usually look like for you? Everyone is different but particularly when it is time of the month your body is going to be needing those nutrients even more than usual. Eating your greens for breakfast is going to stand you in good stead.
Snacks throughout the day are going to give you a great boost. Whilst you will be craving chocolate and sweet things, make sure you also balance that out with some more slow-burning energy sources to keep you going for longer.
Again on your period, hydration is even more important as your body is working harder than usual. Bring an extra water bottle and make sure you keep sipping. There will be plenty of opportunity to fill up en route.
Where are those toilets!?
We will have toilets onsite at the start/finish 'Event Hub' with sanitary bins available and there will be known toilet points throughout the route such as at cafes, town halls and public toilets that we can highlight for you. It may be that you need an occasional wild wee. We simply ask that you take your rubbish with you.

Rest and recovery
Whilst on your period your energy levels can be all over the place. Take note and listen to your body!
If you are on your period in the days leading up to your event make sure you are giving your body plenty of rest. As well as tapering off before the big day, it is important to allow extra rest to accommodate your body's hormonal changes.
You will also be needing more sleep each night whilst on your period - in fact some studies say around 10 hours a night for women on their periods! Give your body the rest it deserves and get in those early nights pre and post event.

Can you think of anything we are missing or extra steps that may help you or others to feel more comfortable on our events? Please do let us know!
We recognise that this is going to be an exhaustive list and we are very open to ideas.
Some extra resources that we hope you find as useful and informative as we have
Some great research by Science in Sport (SIS) around the impact of periods when exercising: Having your period on race day, does it matter?
Bloody good period and Wellbeing of Women are charities that we particularly admire in their work to support women's rights and period health. Feel free to check them out, see they impact they are having and share with your buddies.
And the wonderful team that is Fearless Women who champion change in women's sports.