What advice can previous DofE expedition participants offer you?
Category: DofE Advice and Guidance
Posted by Ben Keen - Director
As part of the review and feedback session with our last DofE Gold Open Expedition, we asked participants:
‘What one piece of advice could they offer another DofE team who were about to experience their expedition’.
Bring food to share with the whole group as its a huge motivator.
Stay positive and remember you will get to the end eventually and it will feel really good.
You can not have enough food!!
Get to know your team better. Ask more questions and listen more.
Remember, it is only a couple of days so when it is difficult, it will be over soon.
Consider others and listen to team members in all situations - involve everyone.
Set short term aims. The final destination will always feel like a long way away. Focus on when your next check point is or next break will be.
We thought these were some great top tips and advice for future DofE expedition participants and well worth sharing. If you have some pearls of wisdom to pass on to DofE participants, feel free to share them and we'll pass them on.